If you are visiting my site, chances are you know what the story is behind it. However, for those of you who have stumbled down a rabbit hole and now find themselves in a site which they thought may contain a tasty egg-nog recipe, please allow me to explain:
As fortune would have it I recently landed a contract job working for Environment Canada...pretty awesome eh? Well there's more to it than that. My position is as the new GAW Lab Operator in Alert, Nunavut. For those of you who aren't familiar with the geography of the vast northern territories of Canada, Alert is the northern-most permanently occupied settlement on the planet (hence the due south of santa), located on the northern tip of Ellesmere island. There aren't many places where you could say that you are thinking about taking a trip south to Alaska, but Alert is one of them!

Throughout the next 14 months I hope to inform, enlighten and hopefully entertain you via the musings and stories from my work-term-adventure in this remote region of Canada. I thank you all for visiting and welcome your questions, comments and even questionable comments!
your polar bear brother from another mother
Nice Gretzy reference and awesome video! Keep it coming polar brudda.